Relateful coaching and the opening for the new

" The most exciting breakthroughs of the 21st century will not occur because of technology but because of an expanding concept of what it means to be human. " John Naisbitt I am currently in the Relateful Coaching Training . It feels expanding and nourishing, shedding light on unconscious places and allowing more truth to surface. The focus is to explore the beliefs we have about ourselves and reality. These beliefs shape how we deliberate and choose, impacting our emotional landscape in a profound way. Sometimes the beliefs constitute our identity. If the beliefs are left unexplored they become self-fulfilling in our awareness, reflected back by reality, because in this perspective anything that happens in our experience is a reflection of an inner stance we are holding. Our perspective shapes our perception - we create our own reality, or how we give meaning and relate to what is happening. The work of coaching is to explore our perspective, witnessing the beliefs we hav...