About this blog
This blog is about practices and perspectives that may expand awareness and increase ability to connect with, and be guided by, aliveness. My theoretical focus is ethics, philosophy, spirituality and depth psychology. I have a ph.d. in ethics ( Den gode profesjonelle : profesjonsetikk for advokater og barnevernsarbeidere (uio.no) and my professional work is within higher education and research. I am interested in embodied practices which cultivate presence and mindfulness, like meditation and yoga, I am a certified facilitator of group-meditation ( Transformational Connection ) working at Connect. Grow. Thrive. (relateful.com) , and a student of energywork and Rosen Method Bodywork Rosen Method School | Rosen Method: The Berkeley Center . In these practices we are guided by what brings more aliveness - by what gives more space for the authentic expression in the present moment. Aliveness in this context is understood as a break with habitual and limiting patterns ...