Unitive consciousness - the christian mystic Meister Eckehart

"The eye in which I see God, it is the same eye in which God sees me. My eye and the eye of God, there is one eye and one vision and one realization and one love", the famous christian mystic Meister Eckehart says in one of his sermons. Eckehart (1260-1328) was a german catholic Dominican theologian and philosopher, and an important church leader. Toward the end of his life he was convicted of heresy by the pope, because of his mystical approach to christianity. Eckehart was one of the first to preach to the congregations in the vernacular language, not in latin, and his message was new and innovative. He was highly learned and a renowned theologian, and he brought in his mystical experiences and realizations in a very radical way in his preaching. The central theme of his sermons is the presence of God in the soul of man: "Something is given in the soul that is so deeply related to God that it is one, and not united, with Him." God is not something outside of...