The creativity of the unknown

In the mystical traditions of the great religions there is an emphasis on the dimensions in reality which are not known to us. Often these are described as nothingness or emptiness, layers in consciousness which are outside of time and space, limitless and eternal. To a mystic there is a possibility in life to access an immediate awareness of this nothingness. What does that mean, how may this experience be described? Conceptually it is hard to convey because nothingness points to the layers in consciousness which are unfolding and ungraspable, that which is not yet here, that which is becoming. It is like a space of potential from where the forms of reality are being created in an eternal dance. Nothingness is the unknown, so the conventional categories of good or bad, normal or not normal, are not operating. Even the stable identity you have, the person you thought all your life you were, falls away. Only nothingness or the infinite remains. Its like an oblivi...