Naming embodied experience - expanding awareness

In some of the eastern traditions an important goal in meditation is to silence the words and quieting the mind, emptying it of thoughts. Presence is seen as something essentially wordless. In this perspective the words are often an expression of automatic or habitual patterns of thought, which easily removes you from experiencing what is really here right now. The words are seen as less true or less fundamental than the wordlessness which is prior to the words. To connect with your true unconditioned self and become more whole, you need to stop identifying with your words and listen to the primordial silence underneath. In mind-body connecting practices like Rosen method therapy (a one to one touchbased modality) or Relatefullness, which is a group meditation enhancing relational and embodied self-awareness, an important focus is on practicing naming our immediate embodied experience as it is in the present moment. In my experience this implies an expansion of aware...